Visualize my body temperature after 2nd Phizer vaccination using Python+Bokeh

The result is:
My body temperature after second phizer vaccination

Here is my body temperature data after the 2nd Phizer vaccination at 09:50 AM, Sep. 2, 2021. Sample numbers are 1. Sample profiles are age: 20-30, sex: male, nationality: Japan. The maximum body temperature, observed at 26.2 hours after the vaccination, was 38.4 DegC.

See also:

Python Matplotlib Tips: Interactive figure with several 1D plot and one hovertools using Python and Bokeh

This code how to generate interactive figure with several 1D plot, one hovertools and togglable legend using Python and Bokeh.

Python Matplotlib Tips: Interactive 1D time-scale plot with hovertool using Python and Bokeh

This page shows how to generate interactive time-scale 1D line plot with hovertool (stock data) using Python and Bokeh.

In [1]:
# Phizer #2 2021.09.02 09:50 AM JST
In [2]:
import platform
print('python: '+platform.python_version())
import dateutil
import pandas as pd
print('pandas: '+pd.__version__)
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_notebook, figure, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, WheelZoomTool, PanTool, ResetTool, Span
from import save
python: 3.8.3
pandas: 1.0.5
Loading BokehJS ...
In [3]:
# Vaccination time
timevax = '2021-09-02 09:50:00'

# Body temperature data
tempdata = [
    ['2021-09-01 19:00:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-01 23:30:00', 36.4],
    ['2021-09-02 07:50:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 09:10:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 10:15:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-02 11:00:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 11:20:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 11:30:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 11:50:00', 36.5],
    ['2021-09-02 12:40:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 13:00:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 13:15:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 13:30:00', 36.5],
    ['2021-09-02 13:50:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 14:10:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-02 14:20:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 14:30:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 14:40:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 15:00:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 15:10:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 15:20:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 15:35:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 15:55:00', 36.6],
    ['2021-09-02 16:15:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 16:30:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 16:40:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 16:40:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 16:50:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 16:50:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 17:05:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 17:20:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 17:35:00', 36.6],
    ['2021-09-02 17:45:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 17:55:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 18:10:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 18:40:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 18:55:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-02 19:10:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 19:25:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 19:40:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-02 20:00:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-02 20:20:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 21:20:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 21:40:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 21:55:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 22:10:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 22:35:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-02 22:45:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-02 23:00:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-02 23:20:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-03 01:20:00', 37.6],
    ['2021-09-03 02:40:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 02:50:00', 38.0],
    ['2021-09-03 03:00:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 03:10:00', 37.7],
    ['2021-09-03 03:20:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 03:30:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 07:40:00', 37.3],
    ['2021-09-03 07:50:00', 37.5],
    ['2021-09-03 08:10:00', 37.3],
    ['2021-09-03 08:30:00', 37.2],
    ['2021-09-03 08:50:00', 37.3],
    ['2021-09-03 09:00:00', 37.2],
    ['2021-09-03 09:20:00', 37.3],
    ['2021-09-03 09:40:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-03 09:50:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-03 10:10:00', 37.4],
    ['2021-09-03 10:30:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-03 10:50:00', 37.6],
    ['2021-09-03 11:00:00', 37.7],
    ['2021-09-03 11:45:00', 38.2],
    ['2021-09-03 12:00:00', 38.4],
    ['2021-09-03 12:15:00', 38.0],
    ['2021-09-03 12:35:00', 38.2],
    ['2021-09-03 13:10:00', 38.2],
    ['2021-09-03 13:50:00', 38.1],
    ['2021-09-03 14:20:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 14:40:00', 37.6],
    ['2021-09-03 15:10:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-03 15:25:00', 37.2],
    ['2021-09-03 15:40:00', 37.3],
    ['2021-09-03 15:55:00', 37.2],
    ['2021-09-03 16:30:00', 37.7],
    ['2021-09-03 16:40:00', 37.8],
    ['2021-09-03 17:00:00', 37.5],
    ['2021-09-03 17:20:00', 37.6],
    ['2021-09-03 17:40:00', 38.1],
    ['2021-09-03 18:10:00', 38.0],
    ['2021-09-03 18:35:00', 37.5],
    ['2021-09-03 19:10:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-03 19:30:00', 38.1],
    ['2021-09-03 19:40:00', 37.8],
    ['2021-09-03 20:00:00', 38.0],
    ['2021-09-03 20:10:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 20:20:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 20:45:00', 37.7],
    ['2021-09-03 21:00:00', 37.9],
    ['2021-09-03 21:10:00', 37.6],
    ['2021-09-03 21:30:00', 37.7],
    ['2021-09-03 22:45:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 04:20:00', 37.4],
    ['2021-09-04 04:45:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-04 05:00:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 05:15:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 05:25:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 06:10:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-04 07:00:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-04 07:55:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 08:25:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 08:25:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 08:45:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 09:20:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 10:05:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 10:45:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 11:00:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 11:50:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 13:00:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-04 13:40:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 14:30:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 15:10:00', 37.1],
    ['2021-09-04 16:20:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 17:20:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 18:00:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 19:00:00', 37.0],
    ['2021-09-04 20:00:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-04 20:40:00', 36.8],
    ['2021-09-04 21:10:00', 36.7],
    ['2021-09-04 22:10:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 22:40:00', 36.9],
    ['2021-09-04 23:30:00', 36.8],

# Acetaminophen dose
timedose = [
    '2021-09-03 02:50:00',
    '2021-09-03 12:00:00',

# Transpose
tempdata = list(zip(*tempdata))
In [4]:
# Convert data to pandas Series
time = pd.Series(tempdata[0], name='Time', dtype='datetime64[ns]')
temp = pd.Series(tempdata[1], name='Temp')
elps= time - dateutil.parser.parse(timevax) # Elapsed time from vaccination
elps = elps.apply(lambda t: '%.1f' % (t.total_seconds()/3600))
dose = pd.Series(timedose, name='Dose', dtype='datetime64[ns]')

# Moving average
nwindow = 5
timema = pd.Series(time.values.astype('float64'), name='Timema').rolling(window=nwindow, center=True).mean()
timema = timema.astype('datetime64[ns]')
tempma = pd.Series(temp, name='Tempma').rolling(window=nwindow, center=True).mean()
In [5]:
# Generate figure

# Configuration
src = ColumnDataSource(
        'Time': time,
        'Elps': elps,
        'Temp': temp,
        'Timema': timema,
        'Tempma': tempma,
hov = HoverTool(
        ('Date', '@Time{%m/%d %a}'),
        ('Time', '@Time{%H:%M}'),
        ('Elaps', '@Elps'),
        ('Temp', '@Temp{0.f}')],
        '@Time': 'datetime'}
pan = PanTool()
wzm = WheelZoomTool(dimensions='width')
p = figure(
    title='My body temperature after Phizer #2',
    y_range=(36.0, 39.0),
    x_axis_label='Date, time',
    y_axis_label='Body temperature [DegC]',
    tools=[pan, wzm, ResetTool(), hov],
p.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal'

# Plot body temperature data
bt = p.line('Time', 'Temp', source=src,
            line_color='orange', legend_label='Body temp.')
p.hover.renderers = [bt] # Prevent other data from being added to hover.

# Plot moving averaged body temperature
p.line('Timema', 'Tempma', source=src,
       line_color='red', line_dash='dashed',
       legend_label='%d pts. m.a. of body temp.' % nwindow, line_width=2)

# Draw vertical lines to show acetaminophen dose time
for _t in dose:
    vldose = Span(location=_t, dimension='height', line_color='blue', line_width=1)

# Draw vertical line to show vaccination time
vltvax = Span(location=dateutil.parser.parse(timevax), dimension='height', line_color='black', line_width=1)

# Dummy data to show labels in legend
p.line([], [], line_color='blue', line_width=1, legend_label='Acetaminophen dose time')
p.line([], [], line_color='black', line_width=1, legend_label='Vaccination time')
