Decrease padding around annotation text using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:
This page shows how to decrease the padding around the annotation text using python and matplotlib.pyplot.

When you struggle to draw efficient figures, you sometimes think the padding around the annotation text is to big. This page shows how to decrease the padding around the annotation text using python and matplotlib.pyplot.

Combine two contourf and two colorbar into one figure using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:

Combine two contourf and two colorbar into one figure using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

This page shows how to combine two contourf and two colorbar into one figure using python and matplotlib.pyplot.

Combine multiple line plot and contour plot with a colorbar using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:
Combine multiple line plot and contour plot with a colorbar using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

This code shows how to combine multiple line plots and contour plots with a colorbar in one figure using Python and matplotlib.pyplot. To combine these plots, plt.subplots with gridspec_kw options are used. The xlims are also adjusted between upper and lower plots.

Animate zoomed plot of crowded data by updating xlim using matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation

The result is:
Animate zoomed plot of crowded data by updating xlim using matplotlib.animation.Funcanimation

This code shows how to animate the zoomed subplot of original crowded subplot using Python and matplotlib.animation.Funcanimation.

Speed up generating figures by running external python script parallelly using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:

Speed up generating figures by running external python script parallelly using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

This page shows my suggestion to process data and generate figure parallelly by running some external python script.

Plot contour figure from data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:

Plot contour figure from data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using Python and matplotlib.pyplot modified

This page shows my suggestion to generate contour figure from data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using python and matplotlib.pyplot.

Draw second colorbar axis outside of first axis

The result is:
Draw second colorbar axis outside of first axis

This code shows how to draw second colorbar axis outside of first colorbar axis.

Plot 1D data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using Python and matplotlib.pyplot

The result is:

Plot 1D data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using Python and matplotlib.pyplot original
Plot 1D data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using Python and matplotlib.pyplot modified

This page shows my suggestion to generate 1D line figure from data which has large scale and plus-minus difference using python and matplotlib.pyplot.