Interactive figure with interactive legend using Python, matplotlib.pyplot and mpld3

The result (static image) is:

Interactive figure with interactive legend using Python, matplotlib.pyplot and mpld3

This page shows how to plot data in interactive figure using python, matplotlib.pyplot and mpld3. A interactive legend is added to the figure.

See also:

Python Matplotlib Tips: Interactive time-scale stock price figure using Python, matplotlib.pyplot and mpld3

This page shows how to generate interactive figure using python, matplotlib.pyplot and mpld3. The stock information of the is used as the example to plot.

Python Matplotlib Tips: Simple way to draw electric field lines using Plotly.offline; convert from Matplotlib.pyplotplotly-logomark

Tips for drawing efficient figures using python matplotlib pyplot. You can brush up them by adding some additional options and settings.

This page is reffering to:

In [1]:
import platform
print('python: '+platform.python_version())
import numpy as np
print('numpy: '+np.version.full_version)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
print('matplotlib: '+matplotlib.__version__)
%matplotlib inline
python: 3.4.5
numpy: 1.11.3
matplotlib: 2.0.0
In [2]:
import mpld3
print('mpld3: '+mpld3.__version__)
mpld3: 0.3

Set data to show using mpld3 with interactive legend

In [3]:
x = np.linspace(0,6*np.pi,500)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)
ys = [y1,y2]
labels = ['sin(x)', 'cos(x)']

Generate usual matplotlib.pyplot figure then convert it to the mpld3 conpatible

In [4]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))

# Adjust right padding to show legend label properly
# If not do this, the labels would not appear
# See also: How to show the labels using Interactive legend plugin on mpld3?
# URL:

# Generate matplotlib.pyplot figure as usual
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
x = np.linspace(0,6*np.pi,500)
lns = []
for y,l in zip(ys, labels):
    ln, = ax.plot(x, y, label=l)
ax.set_ylabel('sin(x), cos(x)')

# Set interactive legend and connect it to the figure
interactive_legend = mpld3.plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(lns, labels)
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, interactive_legend)

# Show the interactive figure in the notebook
024681012141618-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4-, cos(x)sin(x)cos(x)